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Shockingly, We Have Snow


Finally, we have snow. I know, I know. It’s highly unusual for being above the arctic circle. It wasn’t as dramatic as snow in Rome, the Black Sea frozen, ice storm at Lake Geneva, but it was something. A nice blanket of powder followed by a day of sunshine.

Last time we had snow was a month ago, and most of it was gone after a week. Looking at the tagline of this blog, “Our Family’s One-Year Adventure Living on an Arctic Island”, I feel like a fraud. What kind of arctic island sees no snow on the ground for weeks in the winter? We knew Rødøy was temperate given its latitude, but even the locals say this year has been unusually mild.

It rained last night and now it’s 39F (4C). That means the snow will melt away again soon.

  1. Stephen Pace #

    Great shots! And I sense a business opportunity!

    “We make your arctic photos look real.”

    February 8, 2012
    • You think they’ll ship to here? Where do I find a big tent with refrigeration to keep the home-made snow from melting?

      February 8, 2012
      • Stephen Pace #

        Wait, I thought Rødøy WAS a giant refrigerator?

        It melts, you make some more!

        February 8, 2012
  2. Hakan Sarbanoglu #

    Agree with Stephen, they are beautiful pictures. By the way, we are averaging -8F/-22C in Atyrau during daytimes this week!

    February 8, 2012
  3. Love the photos! Wish I had scenery like that near my house!😀

    February 9, 2012
  4. Richard P #

    Another great post … Winston, you really should make writing your profession.

    February 11, 2012
    • If you agree to support my family…

      February 11, 2012
  5. Linda B #

    Dear Winston: Please come to Alaska, and bring a very large plane or ship as we seem to have received ALL of your missing snow!!

    February 12, 2012

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