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Forspill, which directly translates to “foreplay”, is an uniquely Norwegian tradition. It is a party in someone’s home before heading out to the bars. The reason for forspill is easy to understand. At 70 Kroners (13 dollars) a beer, getting drunk in a bar could be financially ruinous. Particularly if you have a healthy liver. Read more

This Weather Stinks

It’s 3:25 PM. Gusts of wind shook the house, setting off squeaking sounds from things that shouldn’t squeak. Like the ceiling beams. The seas are covered with white caps as far as the eye can see. The water has stayed at the high-tide mark for a few hours – the walkways to the docks have been flat. A minute ago there was a sudden burst of hail, followed by a few pathetic flurries. And now the sun is shining with a joker’s glee. Read more

An Island Is Like a Fishbowl

When our friends Alex and Hulda visited us last fall, we went a little nuts with crabs at the fish house. We bought 24 crabs, which is a lot for 4 adults and 4 little kids. A couple of hours later, we went to the store to buy other ingredients for our crab feast. Someone said, “I heard you bought 24 crabs.” For me, who had spent most of my life in big cities, that was a bit of a cultural shock. Read more