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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

On Saturday night, after all our guests have either retired to bed and left for home by boat, Kristin and I took the boat we borrowed out just a stone’s throw away so we could see the sun. It was 2:30 am, and the sun had already started its lazy flight up. The light was fairytale like. We turned off the engine and floated among sounds of seabirds and light breeze. Kristin said that if she died then, she would’ve been happy with all of it. Me, too.

We had our midsummer night party at Gjessøya, an island about 15 minute boat ride from Rødøy with an iconic view of Rødøy and its mountains. Gjessøya does not have permanent residents, just vacation homes. It’s very rustic: outhouses and no roads. On Friday we ferried out 2 days of food for 15 people and a Saturday night dinner for about 40 people, definitely the largest dinner party we’ve ever hosted. It was fish, fish, fish: smoked salmon, cod stew, marinated pollock, smoked mackerel, and 3 big whole salmons for roasting on Saturday, with a sauce of chopped fresh tomatoes, lime, olive oil, raw garlic, and cilantro.

We had great fish for a year, and we had the spectacular landscape, too. What was exhilarating for us was sharing these things with our friends. Perhaps we also wanted to show everyone that we’re not lunatics for leaving everything in Boston behind for a year to live on a remote island. Indeed, it was a weekend of unrestrained bliss from all our friends coming from places as far away as Kazakstan, plus simple chords of ukuleles, heat of the bonfire, tasty food — all under 24 hours of sunlight.

What else could one possibly want from life?

  1. Linda B #

    Absolutely fabulous, Winston! You’re right, what else could you want? 🙂

    June 25, 2012
    • Maybe a job…

      June 26, 2012
  2. alana #

    i can’t wait to see you guys!
    sorry to have missed the big feast.


    June 26, 2012
    • We look forwarding to seeing you here, in 2 days!

      June 26, 2012
  3. Carol Lidington #

    Have you made 40 friends, after living there for just a year? That’s pretty impressive!

    June 26, 2012
    • Many are old friends of Kristin’s, but anyway, she’s the social one in the family.

      June 26, 2012
  4. Life is the Joyful dance!

    June 26, 2012
  5. Marjolein #

    Sounds fantastic 🙂

    June 27, 2012

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