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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

On Saturday night, after all our guests have either retired to bed and left for home by boat, Kristin and I took the boat we borrowed out just a stone’s throw away so we could see the sun. It was 2:30 am, and the sun had already started its lazy flight up. The light was fairytale like. We turned off the engine and floated among sounds of seabirds and light breeze. Kristin said that if she died then, she would’ve been happy with all of it. Me, too. Read more

Fish Will Never Be the Same

The coming Saturday we are hosting a midsummer night party, and we will of course serve fish. In the last couple of days I did some intensive fishing, like a man on a mission. Yesterday I caught 6 big pollock. I will make Seilaks: salted, slightly dried pollock flavored with wood vinegar. We also have four salmon fillets hanging outside drying. I will cold smoke them tomorrow with juniper wood. Read more

Beach Camping under the Midnight Sun

We just came back from a weekend camping on a nearby island, all feverish from the sun, wind and the buzz of having picture perfect beaches all to ourselves for two days. Read more

One Month Left

It’s hard to believe that our year here is almost over. We booked our tickets to go back to Boston on July 12. Having flights booked — more than anything else — makes it real. So, to people here on Rødøy who wish us to stay for one more year, and to people back home who were afraid that we’d stay here: we are profoundly grateful for your sentiments. But we’re keeping our word. Read more